You don’t require planning permission for most site hoardings. This type of fencing is only temporary and usually not detrimental to the lives of nearby residents. However, many people are confused about the rules surrounding site hoardings. At RTC Fencing, we can offer expert advice and guidance on the key rules and regulations around site hoarding. With over 20 years in the industry, we can answer any questions you may have.
Many of the rules around site hoardings are in place to maintain harmony between organisations and local residents. If your hoardings are extremely high or low, residents may complain to you or the local authorities. Consult your local authority if your site hoardings are particularly high. It’s recommended that hoardings and fences are at least 2.4 metres in height, with high security fences a minimum of three metres.
If you do wish to use a fence rather than a hoarding, it must not feature footholds that make it easy for climbers to gain site access. Site hoardings can make your project less disruptive for local residents. Not only can it reduce noise and give them extra privacy, but it can reduce criminal activity in the area too.
If you want to add marketing graphics to a non-residential site hoarding, you won’t need planning permission for this due to the “deemed consent” on offer. The Town and Country Planning Regulations 2007 say non-residential project hoarding cannot be higher than 4.6m above the ground, and that it must be removed after three years.
It’s important to remember that many building regulations are set by local councils, so what is permitted can vary from one authority to another. If you’re not sure whether something is permitted, it’s wise to check with your local building authority before you proceed.
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 means employers have a duty of care to protect everyone on their site. This means it’s vital that they are not harmed by activities that take place in such environments. The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (the CDM Regulations) say steps must be taken to stop unauthorised individuals to gaining access to construction sites, which is another reason why site hoardings are in such high demand. It is not lawful for contractors to start work on construction sites unless reasonable steps have been taken to stop unauthorised people from accessing the environment.
Contractors are expected to communicate with contractors to ensure site boundaries are firmly in place and well-defined. There is some flexibility around these rules when children and vulnerable people live nearby, the site is near to occupied houses and other work areas and when rights of way run through the construction area.
Without perimeter site hoardings in place, it’s much easier for people to gain access to construction sites. Hoardings can also be used to separate different functions. For instance, you may need to create a clear division between teams working on different parts of your project. Aside from site hoardings, security guards, turnstiles, and security gates can also be used to prevent unauthorised access.
Hoardings serve many purposes and are ideal for strengthening security standards. Site hoardings are temporary constrictions which sit around the edge of construction sites to prevent unauthorised access and enhance privacy. Not only can site hoardings deliver extra privacy but they can stop theft and vandalism too. They can also keep site workers and visitors safe from would-be criminals. Find out more about installing our site hoarding in Leicester, Nottingham and Birmingham right now.
Another benefit of using site hoardings is that they can be more aesthetically pleasing for local residents. They can also keep disturbances to a minimum whilst your project is progressing and can also improve privacy for those living and working nearby. To be effective and legal, your hoardings must be stable enough to withstand strong winds and other challenging weather. Materials used to create site hoardings include plywood, steel, and timber to give just a few examples. Some of these materials can be used again, whilst others may be disposed of or recycled once the project comes to an end.
Many site hoardings can incorporate viewing windows, gates, and barriers as well as signs featuring safety warnings, contact information, and other details. It’s common for hoardings to feature the contractor or developer’s branding too. The information printed on the signage can inform passers-by about what is being constructed and its expected completion date. It may also include graphics showing what the project will look like when it’s finished.
Hoarding should be inspected regularly to ensure it remains suitably strong and fit for its purpose. You may need to modify your hoarding at least once during your project as your needs change. You may need larger hoardings for projects taking place in busy areas such as city centre sites and residential areas. Any gaps underneath your hoardings must be as small as possible. You may also need to level any uneven ground gaps to maintain safety standards.
The crimes that most commonly occur on building sites include theft and vandalism. As tools can be very expensive, it stands to reason that criminals may make multiple attempts to access your site. Site hoardings can be incredibly effective at reducing on-site crime. They can play a pivotal role in your security set-up alongside tough barriers and gates and secure storage.
At RTC Fencing, we’re one of the leading suppliers of quality site hoardings in Leicester, Nottingham, or Birmingham. We can supply you with post-mounted, concrete set, and counterweighted concrete block hoarding, which can be painted in your company or brand colours or covered in vinyl signage. Our fencing is available in ethically-sourced, environmental timber, steel, and with water-filled bases.
You can get in touch with us at any point to learn more about our Birmingham, Nottingham, and Leicester site hoarding. We have many years of experience in supplying competitively-priced hoarding, and you can always count on our team to arrive on time and provide all the specialist advice that you need. All the work that we carry out is guaranteed, providing you with peace of mind throughout the process.