Where schools are concerned, security fencing must perform a number of jobs, the most obvious being the prevention of intruders on school premises.
When the bell rings, a closed perimeter is the surest way to keep unauthorised individuals away from the school. This in turn keeps staff, students and visitors safe. It can also help to keep the children safe and secure during school time. this as a parent will give you peace of mind during the day.
The fencing does double duty when students want to play truant. Furthermore, there have been considerable drops in truancy since the widespread adoption of security fencing. Controlling when and where students exit a school aids staff with safeguarding issues, too.
When the school day ends, many communities use their local school’s facilities for sporting events, clubs and socials. It is therefore imperative that the security fencing doesn’t look foreboding and off-putting to the wider community.
There are currently no guidelines or criteria for schools to fulfil regarding school perimeter fencing and security. However, Ofsted will make a ‘written judgement’ of the measures taken to protect those on the school premises. In many cases, installing fencing around schools has been down to the common sense of its governors and headteacher. Adequate fencing has been missing on many school premises for decades. It is now proven to be vital to student safety as well as preventing crime around school buildings. We have actually written more about school fencing regulations.
Arson is also a big problem for unprotected schools. One in eight schools suffer an arson attack each year and two-thirds of fires are started outside of teaching hours. Closing a school perimeter after teachers go home has been shown to help prevent thousands of pounds worth of losses and damage.
Crime prevention, safeguarding and security are all hard-hitting subjects. Schools, however, must welcome everyone who comes to them to learn, work and play; this, ultimately, is their sole purpose. Security measures must, therefore, reflect the school’s purpose. This is the reason many schools opt for bright perimeter fences, particularly nurseries, or natural earthy colours to fit in with a school’s existing foliage.
CCTV and security lighting are other important safety aspects of a modern school’s infrastructure. However, the most important preventative safety measure is perimeter fencing. This is becoming a standard for schools across the UK. School Security Concerns, published in 2003 by the Department for Education, noted security fencing as the top priority for school improvements during the noughties. Following this advice, one Local Education Authority recorded a drop in crime on school premises by 75% within a year of fitting a perimeter fence.
School fencing is now a key feature of school landscaping. Its obvious benefits may have been the initial reasons for its widespread adoption, but its ancillary benefits to the student and community welfare make it an indispensable investment for all modern schools. The fencing industry has responded to the requirements of school fencing with an abundance of options for governors and headteachers to choose from. Working alongside professionals during a site visit by fencing suppliers and installers will ensure that you stay within planning permission guidelines and end up with a fencing system that works wonders for the school for years to come.
RTC Fencing is the premier supplier of high-quality fencing across Leicester, Nottingham, Melton Mowbray and Derby, including school playground fencing We examine your site thoroughly and tailor our advice to your property or premises, so you can be assured that our fencing will provide the very best protection.
Our friendly team will erect your chosen fencing to ensure an expert installation that will hold up against vandals or potential thieves. We carry lines of both palisade and mesh fencing, so we’re sure to have the perfect security measure for you.
Get in touch today for more information on any of our services, and we’ll be happy to help.